"My name is Traci Gibson. At the age of 31, I was diagnosed with Stage 3B breast cancer. As a wife and mother of 3 boys, I had no idea of the changes I would go through in the years to come.
At first, the diagnoses brought feelings of devastation and grief, pure sorrow. Soon after, came the anger and defiance. I was in no way going to succumb to this disease. My children needed me too much.
As time went on, I developed a sense of gratitude, appreciation and overwhelming sense of love. My family, friends and community came together to support my husband and me while I went through countless different cycles of chemotherapy and radiation.
I was so blessed to have people coming and going, helping me with day care, meals, bills, whatever I needed - and even things I didn't. My family, friends and community changed my life forever.
It was from all of this love and support that I developed a "hope." A "hope" to help others. To show my children what others have shown me. Traci's Hope is a not for-profit fund set up to help men and women in our community who are fighting breast cancer. We pay for many different services that insurance companies don't pay for. Sometimes it is gas cards or daycare. Sometimes it is housecleaning or mortgage payments. While fighting this disease. the needs are endless and nobody should have to do it alone. Traci's Hope is here to make sure everyone gets the support I was so blessed with.
In the end, my true "hope" would be a cure for all cancers. With this, there would be no need for Traci's Hope and we could have a sense of peace. Thank you for your support of Traci's Hope and making it possible for me to help others in need.
God Bless & Love,
Traci Gibson